Sharing with your furry friends can be great to bond, but when it comes to food you have to be very careful which human foods you give to your cats! Here is a list of the main foods to avoid with your cats, but if you are ever in doubt then make sure to look it up! There’s a lot of other great resources out there. We have prepared an illustration, but please scroll through this page to see more detailed explanations of foods that are toxic for your cats.

Illustration by our L.I.C.K. intern, Esin Y.
1. One of the biggest misconceptions about cats is that they can have milk! They will drink it if given, but it is actually very difficult for them to digest lactose, so you should avoid giving your cats any dairy products. This includes cheese, milk, and butter, so make sure you keep your cat away from these!
2. Raw eggs and chicken are also dangerous for cats as they can carry salmonella and other bacteria. If you want to give your cat a breakfast treat then make sure that the eggs are cooked thoroughly, and given in small quantities.
3. People often know that dogs can’t have chocolate, but don’t realise that chocolate is just as dangerous for cats. We have to be just as careful to avoid letting our cats come into contact with chocolate as with dogs - even if you don’t think your cat won’t eat it. Cats can get curious too!
4. Some fruit that should be avoided for cats (as well as dogs) are cherries and grapes. Grapes also include raisins, so if you have any of those lying around the house, make sure your cats can’t get adventurous and try some! Citrus fruit can also cause upset stomachs in cats.
5. The family of onions, garlic, and shallots are also dangerous for cats to eat as they can have a hypersensitive reaction to both fresh and dried versions. Only a little amount of each is needed for it to be toxic, so these are essential to keep out of reach of your felines!
6. Cats should not have any caffeine - whether that is tea, coffee, or in foods like chocolate. Leaving your morning tea on the table could result in your cat taking a few licks - it might not seem like a big deal, but could lead to negative side effects. So, be aware of things around your house that contain caffeine and could be a hazard to your pets.
7. Lastly, alcohol is incredibly dangerous for cats as they can have similar reactions as humans who drink too much! Since cats are much smaller and have a lower tolerance, just a few sips of alcohol can cause a negative reaction in cats, which could be fatal.
Overall, it’s important to stick to foods that you know are safe for your cats since any new or foreign food can be a shock for them. Having a cat comes with the responsibility of keeping them safe, even in your own home, so we hope that this will allow you to feel more confident in doing so.
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